GNU MPFR version 4.1.1 (released on 17 November 2022)

[download] [documentation] [bugs] [changes] [platforms]

The épinards à la crème release, patch level 1.

MPFR 4.1.1 requires GMP 5.0 or higher.


The MPFR 4.1.1 source can be downloaded in the following archive formats:

Each tarball is signed by Vincent Lefèvre. This can be verified using the DSA key ID 5831D11A0D4DB02A; this key can be retrieved with:

gpg --recv-keys 5831D11A0D4DB02A

or by downloading it from The key fingerprint is:

A534 BE3F 83E2 41D9 1828  0AEB 5831 D11A 0D4D B02A

The signatures can be verified with:

gpg --verify file.asc

You should check that the key fingerprint matches.

MPFR is also available via third-party packages and ports.



The bugs listed below have been fixed (latest update: 2022-11-23). The patches are distributed under the same license as this version of MPFR, that is, the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU Lesser GPL), version 3 or later.

The following instructions are for Linux and may be similar for other operating systems. You can apply the patches in several ways:

With the first two ways, the PATCHES file is modified, so that one can know what patches have been applied, using the mpfr_get_patches function. Moreover a suffix is added to the version string, but note that for practical reasons, not all the files where the version appears are patched; thus one can also track applied patches with the MPFR_VERSION_STRING macro (header) and the mpfr_get_version function (library). However, if some patches are not applied or if patches are applied in a different order, then the patch command will fail to update some chunks, so that the suffix is not always reliable for patches.

Note: These patches are in unified diff format and some vendors' patch commands cannot deal with them; in this case, please use GNU patch (it may already be installed on your system, e.g. as /usr/local/bin/patch or gpatch).

Fixed bugs, with patches:

  1. The build of user code using the mpfr_custom_get_kind macro with a const-qualified argument may warn or fail, depending on the compiler and the compile options. This regression is fixed by the mpfr_custom_get_kind patch (which also updates the testsuite to detect this issue).
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.1 branch: 3cd39bc0b.

See also the BUGS file. The Reporting Bugs section of the MPFR manual gives details on how to report new bugs.

Changes from version 4.1.0 to version 4.1.1

Platforms Known to Support MPFR

MPFR 4.1.1 has been successfully compiled and checked on the following platforms:

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