GNU MPFR version 4.2.0 (released on 6 January 2023)

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The fondue savoyarde release.

MPFR 4.2.0 requires GMP 5.0 or higher.

Note: the bug-fix release MPFR 4.2.1 is available. Please upgrade!


The MPFR 4.2.0 source can be downloaded in the following archive formats:

Each tarball is signed by Vincent Lefèvre. This can be verified using the DSA key ID 5831D11A0D4DB02A; this key can be retrieved with:

gpg --recv-keys 5831D11A0D4DB02A

or by downloading it from The key fingerprint is:

A534 BE3F 83E2 41D9 1828  0AEB 5831 D11A 0D4D B02A

The signatures can be verified with:

gpg --verify file.asc

You should check that the key fingerprint matches.

MPFR is also available via third-party packages and ports.



The bugs listed below have been fixed (latest update: 2023-07-17). The patches are distributed under the same license as this version of MPFR, that is, the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU Lesser GPL), version 3 or later.

The following instructions are for Linux and may be similar for other operating systems. You can apply the patches in several ways:

With the first two ways, the PATCHES file is modified, so that one can know what patches have been applied, using the mpfr_get_patches function. Moreover a suffix is added to the version string, but note that for practical reasons, not all the files where the version appears are patched; thus one can also track applied patches with the MPFR_VERSION_STRING macro (header) and the mpfr_get_version function (library). However, if some patches are not applied or if patches are applied in a different order, then the patch command will fail to update some chunks, so that the suffix is not always reliable for patches.

Note: These patches are in unified diff format and some vendors' patch commands cannot deal with them; in this case, please use GNU patch (it may already be installed on your system, e.g. as /usr/local/bin/patch or gpatch).

Fixed bugs, with patches:

  1. A test of the thousands separator in tsprintf.c is based on the output from the GNU C Library up to 2.36, which is incorrect. The output has changed in 2.37 (partly fixed), so that tsprintf fails with glibc 2.37. The tsprintf-thousands patch modifies the test to conform to POSIX and also avoid the buggy case in 2.36 and below. However, this new test, which was expected to succeed, triggers a serious bug in 2.37 (bug 30068 / CVE-2023-25139). We did not modify the test again since this bug affects MPFR's mpfr_sprintf function, with a possible buffer overflow in particular cases. This bug has been fixed in the 2.37 branch. In short, this patch is useful (and needed) for a fixed glibc 2.37 and some other libraries, depending on the current locales.
    Corresponding changesets in the 4.2 branch: 4f03d40b5, 78ff7526d, e66bb7121.
  2. The mpfr_ui_pow_ui function has infinite loop in case of overflow. This can affect mpfr_log10, which uses this function (this is how this bug was found). This bug is fixed by the ui_pow_ui-overflow patch (with testcases).
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: 0216f40ed.
  3. The tfprintf and tprintf tests may fail in locales where decimal_point has several bytes, such as ps_AF. This is fixed by the multibyte-decimal_point patch, which makes the tests aware of the length of decimal_point.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: 0383bea85.
  4. In particular cases that are very hard to round, mpfr_rec_sqrt may yield a stack overflow due to many small allocations in the stack, based on alloca(). This is due to the fact that the working precision is increased each step (Ziv loop) by 32 or 64 bits only, until the approximate result can be rounded (thus we have an arithmetic progression here, while a geometric progression is used for the other functions), and that at each iteration, the previous allocations in the stack cannot be freed. Individual allocations in the stack are limited to 16384 bytes, so that the issue can occur only when there are many iterations in working precisions that are not too large, which is possible with an arithmetic progression. This bug is fixed by the rec_sqrt-zivloop patch, which changes the Ziv loop to use the standard MPFR_ZIV_* macros; the patch also provides a testcase obtained by a function that constructs a hard-to-round case involving large enough precisions (this function is commonly used in the MPFR testsuite, but not with so large precisions). This bug was originally reported by Fredrik Johansson.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: 934dd8842.
  5. The mpfr_reldiff function, which computes |bc|/b, is buggy on special values, e.g. on the following (b,c) values: (+Inf,+Inf) gives ±0 instead of NaN (like NaN/Inf); (+0,+0) gives 1 instead of NaN (like 0/0); (+0,1) gives 1 instead of Inf (like 1/0). Moreover, the sign of 0 for (+Inf,+Inf) or (−Inf,−Inf) is not set, i.e. it is just the sign of the destination before the call; as a consequence, results are not even consistent. These bugs are fixed by the reldiff patch.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: 81e4d4427.
  6. The reuse tests are incomplete: the sign of a result zero is not checked, so that it can miss bugs (one of the mpfr_reldiff bugs mentioned above, in particular). The tests-reuse patch adds a check of the sign of zero and contains other minor improvements.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: e6d47b8f5.
  7. The general code for the power function (mpfr_pow_general internal function) has two bugs in particular cases: the first one is an incorrect computation of the error bound when there has been an intermediate underflow or overflow (in such a case, the computation is performed again with a rescaling, thus with an additional error term, but there is a bug in the computation of this term), so that the result may be rounded incorrectly (in particular, a spurious overflow is possible); the second one occurs in a corner case (destination precision 1, rounding to nearest, and where the rounded result assuming an unbounded exponent range would be 2emin−2 and the exact result is larger than this value), with the only consequence being a missing underflow exception (the underflow flag is not set). These two bugs are fixed by the pow_general patch, which also provides testcases.
    Note: The second bug was introduced by commit 936df8ef6 in MPFR 4.1.0 (the code simplification was incorrect, and there were no associated tests in the testsuite).
    Corresponding changesets in the 4.2 branch: 85bc7331c, 5fa407a6c, 9a16c173e.
  8. The mpfr_compound_si function can take a huge amount of memory and time in some cases (when the argument x is a large even integer and xn is represented exactly in the target precision) and does not correctly detect overflows and underflows. This is fixed by the compound patch, which also provides various tests.
    Corresponding changesets in the 4.2 branch: 7635c4a35, 74d86a61f, 952fb0f5c, a4894f68d, 7bb748775, f5cb40571, d87459969.
  9. MPFR can crash when a formatted output function is called with %.2147483648Rg in the format string. For instance: mpfr_snprintf (NULL, 0, "%.2147483648Rg\n", x);. This is fixed by the printf_large_prec_for_g patch, which also provides testcases.
    Corresponding changesets in the 4.2 branch: 686f82776, 769ad91a6.
  10. GCC 12 emits a spurious may be used uninitialized warning on tests/tfpif.c with -O1, and GCC 13 has the same issue also with -O2 (GCC bug 106155). This can make some test scripts fail for the developers. The gcc-pr106155-workaround patch provides a workaround for this bug in GCC.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: c0031f1af.
  11. The mpfr_inp_str function does not handle the '\0' character correctly when it is not a whitespace character (which is almost always the case in practice, or really always the case). For instance, if the word is the sequence { '1', '\0', '2' }, the string "1" is passed to mpfr_set_str because '\0' is regarded as a terminating null character, and one gets a valid number (1) while '\0' in a word is necessarily invalid. This is fixed by the inp_str-nullchar patch. The testcase in the repository cannot be provided in the patch because of the null character in one of the files.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: 6a68387b2.
  12. When '\0' is a whitespace character, i.e. when isspace(0) is true in the current locale (as allowed by ISO C for non-"C" locales), the mpfr_strtofr function regards a '\0' in the leading whitespace sequence as a whitespace. This is incorrect, since from the definition of a string, the first '\0' is the terminating null character (before the notion of whitespace is involved). In such locales, this is a vulnerability, because characters after the terminating null character are read to determine the result; however, such locales are rare or nonexistent (Mutt's lib.h suggests that some systems have such locales, but this was in 1998). This is fixed by the strtofr-nullchar patch.
    Corresponding changeset in the 4.2 branch: 964fbaa31.

See also the BUGS file. The Reporting Bugs section of the MPFR manual gives details on how to report new bugs.

Other bugs fixed in the 4.2 branch for the MPFR 4.2.1 release:

Changes from versions 4.1.* to version 4.2.0

Platforms Known to Support MPFR

MPFR 4.2.0 has been successfully compiled and checked on the following platforms:

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